
With the business idea I had a while ago actually not really going anywhere, I have taken the opportunity to redesign and relaunch the website.

I intend to publish information that I find interesting and amusing from around my local community and from wider afield. I will also use it to keep family and friends updated on what I am up to. I do not intend to go on a hard sell of "business opportunities" and such. Let's face it, most of the "opportunities" arrsonally use and/ore pure rubbish and not worth anyone's time.

From time to time, I may publish something with an affialte link, however, this is not the main purpose of my site and I will only publish links for products and services that I personally use and/or think could be genuinely useful. No hard sells, ever as I hate that as much as anyone.

I will, possibly, produce a newsletter from time to time with updates and my personal opinion of things. Absolutely no cost, and no obligation to subscribe. You will be able to opt out (if you have subscribed) at any time.

So finally, welcome and a big thank you for visiting. I hope you find something interestting over the journey.